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About The Way of Asylum

The Way of Asylum as a community experience of compassion and empathy was inspired by the art of Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera, who created a moving interpretation of Stations of the Cross, a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man. In her version, Michelina's art recognizes that asylum seekers embody Christ in our midst, confronting us with the truly horrific journey that many who seek asylum endure on their journey to seek safety and refuge.


A small group who are active in the Tucson border justice community began planning a live experience of the Way of Asylum, which would feature 14 stations (tables) that would be set with the different scenes. Each “station” would feature the art, along with small commemorative postcard versions of each station. On the back of each postcard is a Scripture reading, a reflection, and a suggested action item that can be done to raise awareness of the plight of asylum seekers in the U.S. The experience would be interactive, with participants invited to walk to each station and reflect on what it represented. A short program was also planned to include testimonies collected from asylum seekers waiting on the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border. The hope was that, by interacting with the Stations in a reflective and open way, participants would be moved and inspired to act.  


The arrival of the global pandemic Covid-19 has temporarily halted any plans to be able to make the physical experience of the Way of Asylum a reality. Thus, the idea of creating a virtual place for it to live was born, particularly as (im)migrant communities are some of the most vulnerable in times of crisis.   


This website was created to be able to make accessible the inspiring art, the reflections, and information regarding asylum seekers and the urgent need  for all people of conscience to open their hearts, be moved, and be inspired to act in the name of justice.


The art and text of Art of Asylum is copyrighted, but the artists and writers give permission to for the art and materials on this website to be freely used by activists, churches and non-commercial purposes to create and open dialogue in your community about asylum seekers in keeping with the spirit of the art, and to work for the change our world so desperately needs. 

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