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The Way of Asylum- images with reflections

Ecumenical version

*see below for additional versions*

Slideshow set on a 15-second interval and includes audio that loops throughout presentation


To view the slideshow in full-screen:

Go to the presentation HERE and select "present" in the top right corner

The Way of Asylum-

images with reflections and testimony excerpts

Ecumenical version

Slideshow set on a 15-second interval and includes audio that loops throughout presentation


To view the slideshow in full-screen:

Go to the presentation HERE and select "present" in the top right corner

The Way of Asylum- images only

Slideshow set on a 15-second interval and includes audio that loops throughout presentation


To view the slideshow in full-screen:

Go to the presentation HERE and select "present" in the top right corner

Audio only:

The Healing by Sergey Cheremisinov

The_HealingSergey Cheremisinov
00:00 / 02:00

Audio will loop continuously

Sitio web diseñado por Kat Rodriguez

Sitio web diseñado por Kat Rodriguez

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© The Way of Asylum

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